20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (2024)

In this Article

  • Causes of Thick Facial Hair in Women
  • Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hair on Face
  • Essential Tips and Precautions to Consider While Using the Remedies

Although the problem of facial hair is rarely serious, it can cause embarrassment to some women. Therefore, we have come up with an article to help women come out of this problem through the use of easy-to-do home remedies without having to spend oodles.

Causes of Thick Facial Hair in Women

All women have facial hair which is very fine, and therefore, not noticeable. However, there are few who may have thick facial hair. The fuzz of hair on a woman’s face can be due to a number of reasons. Let us discuss them in detail.

  • Hormonal problems are one of the main causes of facial hair in women.
  • If hormones are not the ones for the fuzz on your face, blame it on your genes.
  • Some underlying health issues like Polycystic ovarian disorder can also cause this problem.
  • Cushing syndrome can also cause hirsutism.
  • Virilization, a condition in which a female develops secondary male sexual characteristics causes thick facial hair in women.
  • Women suffering from congenital adrenal hyperplasia produce less of androgen and cortisol hormones, causing hirsutism.

Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hair on Face

Facial hair in women can be quite a nuisance. It can make even the prettiest face look odd. Therefore, removing them is the only solution. However, getting it removed professionally can pinch your pockets. Therefore, use the following home remedies to get rid of the unwanted fuzz from your face.

1. Lemon Juice and Sugar

This is an ancient beauty technique to remove unwanted hair.


  • Sugar
  • Lemon juice

How to Make

  • Mix sugar, lemon juice and very little water.
  • Stir it well to dissolve the sugar until the sugar becomes a sticky granular paste.

How often to Use

  • Apply this every alternate day.

Why does It Work?

  • When the pack is applied, it sticks to the hair and when removed, the hair too comes off. The lemon juice bleaches the rest of the hair.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • People with dry skin should not keep the pack in the face for more than 15-20 minutes.

2. Banana and Oatmeal

Apply the paste and massage it in a circular motion against the direction of hair growth.


  • Powdered oatmeal
  • Ripe banana

How to Make

  • Mash a banana.
  • Blend it with the powdered oatmeal.

How often to Use

  • Apply it once a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The oatmeal helps in removing the hair along with dead skin, and the banana moisturises the skin.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • After scrubbing the paste on your face, make sure you wash it off with cold water or apply ice over the skin.

3. Lemon and Honey

Sprinkle a little of maida on the hairy area and apply the paste towards the direction of hair growth. Then put a cloth strip on top of it, press it and pull it out against the direction of hair growth.


  • Sugar
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
  • Maida
  • Cotton cloth strips

How to Make

  • Mix the lemon juice, sugar and honey together to make a smooth paste.
  • Add water as required.
  • Heat the mix in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

How often to Use

  • You may use it 2-3 times a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The paste is sticky and is effective in pulling out the extra hair.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types but especially for dry skin.


  • Check the temperature of the mix before you apply it on your skin.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (1)

4. Oatmeal, Honey, and Lemon Juice

Apply the pack and massage it in a circular motion against the direction of hair growth. Wash it off with cold water.


  • Oatmeal (coarsely ground)
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice

How to make

  • Blend all the ingredients together into a paste.
  • Add water, if required.

How often to Use

  • You can apply the pack once in two days.

Why does It Work?

  • The coarseness of the oats rubs against the skin and removes hair, honey moisturises the skin and lemon juices act as a bleaching agent.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Lemon juice, when used in excess, can cause the skin to dry up and become flaky.

5. Turmeric and Milk

Apply the mask over the area of unwanted hair and let it dry. Wash it off with warm water.


  • Rice flour
  • Turmeric powder
  • Milk

How to Make

  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • If required, add water.

How often to Use

  • You can apply this every day.

Why does It Work?

  • The coarseness of the rice flour rubs against the skin and removes hair. The milk moisturises it, and the turmeric acts as an antiseptic.

Suitable Skin Type

  • Good for dry and normal skin types.

6. Potato, Lentil, and Lemon Juice

Apply the pack. Once dry, massage it in a circular motion to remove it.


  • Potato
  • Lentils
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey

How to Make

  • Grate the potato and extract the juice.
  • Grind the soaked lentils into a fine paste.
  • Add the lemon juice, honey and potato juice to the lentil paste.

How often to Use

  • Use this 1-2 times a week.

Why does It Work?

  • Potato juice, honey and lemon juice acts as bleaching agents and lighten the skin and hair colour, and the lentils help in pulling out the extra hair.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Some people may be allergic to potatoes and people with sensitive skin should avoid using lemon juice as it may cause skin irritation.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (2)

7. White of Egg

Apply the pack and let it dry. Then peel off the mask and wash your face with cold water.


  • Egg white
  • Corn starch
  • Sugar

How to Make

  • Beat all of the ingredients together. There should be no lumps of the cornstarch.

How often to Use

  • Repeat the mask twice a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The egg white, cornstarch and sugar become sticky and stick to the hair. When the mask is peeled off, the hair also comes out.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types except sensitive skin.


  • Not to be used on acne prone skin.

8. Rose Water and Alum

Apply the mixture on the hairy area with the help of a cotton ball. Let it dry and apply again. Keep on drying and applying the pack for 5-6 times in one sitting. Then wash it off and massage the face with olive oil.


  • Alum
  • Rosewater
  • Olive oil

How to Make

  • Add rose water to the alum powder to make a solution.

How often to Use

  • Repeat this every alternate day or at least once a week.

Why does It Work?

  • It helps in curbing hair growth and also cools down the skin.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Alum may cause a bit of skin irritation.

9. Papaya and Turmeric

Apply the mask on the unwanted hair area and massage it in a circular motion for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off.


  • Raw papaya
  • Turmeric powder

How to Make

  • Peel the papaya and make a paste of it.
  • Then mix it with a little turmeric powder.

How often to Use

  • It should be applied 2-3 times a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The papain enzyme in the papaya makes the hair follicles open up; as a result, the hair falls off.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Use very little turmeric powder.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (3)

10. Aloe Vera and Papaya

Apply the paste and let it dry. Then with a cotton cloth, rub the dried up mask in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Wash it off and massage the skin with a few drops of olive oil.


  • Aloe Vera pulp
  • Raw papaya paste
  • Gram flour
  • Mustard oil
  • Olive oil

How to Make

  • Mix aloe vera pulp, papaya paste, gram flour and mustard oil together to make a thick paste.

How often to Use

  • Use it 3-4 times a week for at least 3 months.

Why does It Work?

  • The papain enzyme helps in hair removal, and aloe vera helps in moisturising the skin.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Do not use soap after using the mask. Mustard oil may cause skin irritation in some people.

11. Turmeric and Nettle

Apply the paste over the hairy area and allow it to stay it for a few hours. Then wash it off.


  • Nettle leaves
  • Turmeric powder

How to Make

  • Wash and grind the nettle leaves to a paste.
  • Add turmeric to it.

How often to Use

  • Apply this pack every day for 5-6 weeks.

Why does It Work?

  • The juice of the nettle leaves penetrates the hair follicles and helps in hair removal. The turmeric acts as an antiseptic.

Suitable Skin Type

  • Do a patch test before applying this pack.


  • Do not use bare hands while handling nettle leaves. It may also cause skin irritation.

12. Lavender and Tea Tree Oil

Apply the oil mix with a cotton ball over the hairy area.


  • Tea tree oil
  • Lavender oil

How to Make

Mix both the oils in a bowl.

How often to Use

  • For three months, apply this mix a couple of times every day.

Why does It Work?

  • Both the oils have anti-androgenic properties which reduce hair growth.

Suitable Skin Type

  • Suitable for dry, normal and combination skin type.


  • Avoid if you have acne-prone skin.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (4)

13. Kusuma Oil and Thanaka Powder

Remove the excess hair through waxing or threading. Then after washing the area, apply the mix over it and massage against hair growth. Allow it to stay overnight.


  • Thanuka powder
  • Kusuma oil

How to Make

  • Make a smooth paste by mixing both the ingredients.

How often to Use

  • Apply it once a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The combination of Thanuka and Kusuma oil helps in thinning the hair and removing it.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Do a patch test before applying it.

14. Basil and Onion

Apply the paste over the hairy area. Let it dry and wash it off.


  • Basil leaves
  • Onion

How to Make

  • Make a paste of both the ingredients.

How often to Use

  • Repeat this 3-4 times a week for a few months.

Why does It Work?

  • Although onion helps in hair growth, when used with basil, it reduces hair growth.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Both ingredients may cause skin irritation.

15. Fenugreek and Green Gram

Apply the paste and when dry gently rub it. Then wash it off with chilled water.


  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Green gram

How to Make

  • Make a smooth paste of both the ingredients using water as required.

How often to Use

  • Thrice a week is good enough.

Why does It Work?

  • The paste sticks to the hair, and while rubbing the skin with it, the hair comes out.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types except sensitive skin.


  • Fenugreek may cause allergic reactions.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (5)

16. Barley and Milk

Apply the paste and rub it off when dry.


  • Barley
  • Milk
  • Lemon juice

How to Make

  • Blend all the ingredients together to make a fine paste.

How often to Use

  • Use it 3-4 times a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The paste sticks to the hair and when rubbed, the hair comes off.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin type except sensitive skin.


  • Barley flour may cause asthma.

17. Wheat Bran and Milk

Massage the mix till it dries up and then wash it off.


  • Wheat Bran
  • Milk

How to Make

  • Mix all of the ingredients together to make a paste.

How often to Use

  • You may use this every day or once in 3-4 days.

Why does It Work?

  • The paste sticks to the hair and comes off when rubbed.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • No side-effects.

18. Gelatin and Milk

Apply the mask on a clean face. Once dry, peel it off.


  • Gelatin powder
  • Milk
  • Lemon juice

How to Make

  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Put it in a microwave for 15-20 minutes to heat it.

How often to Use

  • Use whenever you feel the need to.

Why does It Work?

  • Since it is extremely sticky, it pulls off the hair along with blackheads and dead cells.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types except sensitive skin.


  • Make sure to cool the pack after taking it out from the microwave.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (6)

19. Papaya, Mustard Oil, Aloe Vera, Besan, and Haldi

Apply the pack and let it dry. Then rub the fuzzy area against hair growth with a dry cloth. Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.


  • Ripe papaya
  • Mustard oil
  • Aloe Vera pulp
  • Besan
  • Haldi

How to Make

  • Mash the ripe papaya and squeeze out the aloe vera pulp.
  • Mix all the ingredients together.

How often to Use

  • Use it thrice a week initially. After you start getting results, apply the pack once every 7-10 days.

Why does It Work?

  • The papain enzyme exfoliates dead skin and opens up hair follicles, making it easy for hair removal.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types


  • Apply some ice or cold water on the area from where hair has been removed. People with sensitive skin should avoid mustard oil since it can cause skin irritation.

20. Chickpea Flour and Haldi

Apply the pack and let it get semi-dry. Massage your face in a circular motion until it dries up. Wipe it off with a wet towel.


  • Chickpea flour
  • Fresh haldi root

How to Make

  • Grind the haldi to a paste.
  • Add chickpea flour, haldi and water to make a smooth paste.

How often to Use

  • Initially, apply this pack once every alternate day. Once there is a reduction in hair growth, you may use it once every 7-10 days.

Why does It Work?

  • Chickpea works wonders in removing hair, and haldi does not allow the hair to grow back.

Suitable Skin Type

  • Oily skin


  • Not to be used on acne or sensitive skin.

21. Apricot and Honey

Massage the mixture after it has dried up, in circular motions. Wash it off with lukewarm water.


  • Apricot powder
  • Honey

How to Make

  • Mix the ingredients together to make a smooth paste.

How often to Use

  • Apply this thrice a week.

Why does It Work?

  • The paste sticks to the hair and gets removed when rubbed.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All except oily skin


  • There may be skin breakout if applied by oily skin people.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (7)

22. Sugar and Molasses

Apply the warm mix to the hairy area and put a strip of cotton cloth on top. Then, yank it out in the opposite direction of hair growth.


  • Sugar
  • Molasses
  • Lemon juice

How to Make

  • Put molasses and sugar for 2-3 minutes in the microwave.
  • Add lemon juice to the mix.

How often to Use

  • Whenever required.

Why does It Work?

  • Being sticky, it works like wax to strip off the hair.

Suitable Skin Type

  • All skin types except sensitive skin.


  • If the mixture is too hot, it may burn your skin.

23. Garlic

Crush garlic and rub it. Wash it after half an hour.


  • Garlic

How to Make

  • Crush some garlic to a semi-fine paste.

How often to Use

  • Use it once a day.

Why does it Work?

  • While there is no scientific backing to this, many women have found this to effectively remove hair.

Suitable Skin Types

  • Not suitable for sensitive skin.


  • A patch test should be done to rule out allergic reactions.

24. Spearmint Tea

Try this tea and say bye-bye to facial hair.


  • Spearmint leaves
  • Water

How to Make

  • Add the spearmint leaves to water over low heat and place a lid.
  • Switch off the stove and strain the tea.

How often to Use

  • You make drink a cup twice a day.

Why does It Work?

  • It lowers the production of the male hormone androgen which causes excess facial hair in women.

Suitable Skin Types

  • It is suitable for all.


  • Consult a doctor before trying this.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (8)

25. Yogurt, Gram, Flour and Turmeric

Apply the paste. Once it becomes semi-dry, massage the area in opposite direction to hair growth. Then rinse off with water.


  • Yoghurt
  • Gram Flour
  • Turmeric

How to Make

  • Mix it all together to form a smooth paste.

How often to Use

  • It can be used every day.

Why does It Work?

  • The pack being sticky sticks to the hair; when rubbed against hair growth, the hair comes out.

Suitable Skin Types

  • All skin types.


  • No side-effects.

26. Orange Peel and Oatmeal

Apply the paste and once it is semi-dry, massage it in circular motions. Wash it off.


  • Orange peel powder
  • Oatmeal powder

How to Make

  • Mix it all together with a little water to make a paste.

How often to Use

  • Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Why does It Work?

  • Orange peel is a natural bleach; oats exfoliate the skin and remove excess hair.

Suitable Skin Types

  • It is great on all skin types.


  • Orange peel may cause some skin irritation.

27. Black Cohosh

It is a flowering plant of the buttercup family.


  • The dried root of the black cohosh
  • Honey

How to Make

  • Let the root boil in water for half an hour over a low flame.
  • When the water becomes 1/3rd, switch off the stove, strain it and add honey to it.

How often to Use

  • Drink a cup three times a day.

Why does it Work?

  • It has anti-androgen properties which cure hirsutism.

Suitable Skin Types

  • This is taken as a tea.


  • This should not be taken by people suffering from liver disease, blood clotting disorders or anyone on hormonal medication.

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (9)

Essential Tips and Precautions to Consider While Using the Remedies

There are quite a number ofnatural Ayurvedic home remedies for removing facial hair. However, it is important that we follow some precautions while using them.

  • It is important to be patient when you tryhome remedies to remove facial hair permanently.
  • Be careful while using ahome remedy for removing facial hair within one daylike sugar and molasses pack, because the method requires heating which may burn your skin if applied too hot.
  • Home remedies for facial hair removal for sensitive skin should not comprise of allergic ingredients like turmeric, orange peel, lemon juice etc.
  • Taking a warm bath before applying the packs will help in opening up pores.
  • It is important to close the pores by rubbing ice or washing the area with cold water after the remedy.

Try out any of the above remedies and get freedom from excess facial hair.

Also Read:

Easy Steps to Get Salon-Like Glow at Home
Simple Home Remedies to Remove Blackheads Permanently

20+ Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home (2024)
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